Thursday, November 19, 2009

ROA Congressional Charter Bill goes to White House for signature

WASHINGTON – The House passed the Reserve Officers Association Modernization Act of 2009 (S.1599) today updating ROA’s congressional charter for the 21st century. The bill will now travel to the White House for the President to sign the bill into law.

The bill, introduced in August by Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and cosponsored by co-chairs of the United States Senate Reserve Caucus, Senators Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ar.), makes technical changes to ROA’s charter that bring it in line with the current ROA structure and leadership. An identical bill was introduced in the House by Representatives Howard Coble (R-NC), Chris Carney (D-PA), and Gary Miller (R-CA), but the House elected to vote on the Senate version.

“The Reserve Officers Association has worked diligently on behalf of the National Guard and Reserves for over 85 years,” said Rep. Coble. “ROA’s dedication to its Congressional charter, promoting a sound national security policy for the United States, provides support to and a voice for our men and women in uniform. Voting to renew ROA’s charter reinforces my commitment to support the people serving in the Reserve and National Guard.”

The charter was originally signed by President Harry Truman 60 years ago and was last updated in 1998.

“I’d like to thank the Congress for their recognition of the invaluable role the Reserve and Guard play in today’s global conflicts and for working with ROA to ensure citizen warriors have greater influence in the military and adequate training facilities and supplies,” said retired Rear Adm. Paul Kayye, ROA President.

The Reserve Officers Association is the 68,000-member professional association for all uniformed services of the United States. Chartered by Congress and in existence since 1922, ROA advises and educates the Congress, the President and the American people on issues of national security, with unique expertise on Reserve issues. ROA advocates for adequate funding of equipment and training requirements, recruiting and retention incentives, and employment rights for all members of the Reserve.

Read the bill, S.1599 at

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