Wednesday, October 9, 2013

H.R.3274 Amends Pay Our Military Act to Continue Appropriations to Fallen Heroes and Their Families

Fallen Heroes and Families Assistance Act will ensure appropriations through a government shutdown

By Jenny Swigoda
ROA Content Manager

After an egregious oversight and widespread outrage from service members, their families and the public at large, lawmakers on the Hill want to ensure appropriations are made available to the families of fallen Soldiers during the shutdown.

Rep. Ron Barber, D-AZ, yesterday introduced legislation that would authorize death gratuity and other survivor compensation now and in the event of another lapse in FY14. The bill, H.R.3274, entitled the “Fallen Heroes and Families Assistance Act,” amends the Pay Our Military Act by redesignating “emergency appropriation of funds to provide death gratuity and other compensation on behalf of deceased members of the armed forces and certain other persons during government shutdown.”

Today, ROA sent a letter of support for the proposed legislation to House Speaker John Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. In the letter, ROA Executive Director Major General Andrew B. Davis, USMC (Ret.), said, “H.R.3274 would remedy the horrific situation that the families and military members face. Passage would allow the families to grieve and bury their loved one without financial stress, and deployed members of the uniformed services wouldn’t be distracted from the mission by worries about unsupported families.”

A staff member for Speaker Boehner expressed that the bill would be voted upon tomorrow and is expected to pass. 

On Wednesday, Oct. 9, the House passed H.R.3274 by a vote of 425-0.

We will continue to keep readers informed on the progress of this important legislation.

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