Friday, October 4, 2013

In Support of H.R.3241, Pay Our Guardsmen and Civilian Defense Personnel Act

After the unsuccessful push of H.Res.370, ROA lends support of legislation that would amend the Pay our Military Act (H.R.3210)

By Jenny Swigoda
ROA Content Manager

Earlier in the week, the Senate voted down H.Res.370, a joint resolution that included funding for Reserve inactive duty training and other groups affected by the government shutdown.

Today, Rep. Austin Scott, R-GA, introduced H.R.3241, the Pay Our Guardsmen and Civilian Defense Personnel Act. This bill would amend the Pay Our Military Act to include: funding for inactive Reservists, removes Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s determination as to what civilians he deems are “providing support to members of the Armed Forces,” thereby clarifying that we intended to fund all defense civilians, and covers dual status military technicians.

ROA offered a letter in support of Rep. Scott’s proposed legislation and continues to work with Congressional offices on both sides of the aisle, advocating for immediate passage of a provision to continue inactive duty drills and maintain compensation for all Reservists regardless of duty status. 

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